How intellectuals should be thinking. How intellectuals should LOOK BEYOND the tittle and EXPLOIT the content. SAY Facts but NO Slanders. P/S: No Offense :)

BERSIH 2.0: Look What You've Done

Posted by Intellectual Thought Friday 8 July 2011 19:13

LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE..YEAH..CONTINUE WITH YOUR BAD ATTITUDES..KEEP ON MAKING MALAYSIA LOOKS BAD IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD. This is what you call I LOVEEE MALAYSIA? BETTER MALAYSIA? Just keep your shit talkings. We as intellectuals look all things through not just by it’s surface. Before doing anything, THINK-lah..Until when must we remind you? What if the time for intellectuals started to sink and you all, the BERSIH-supporters start to dig in? Who will remind you later on? We don’t protest if we don’t think that it will have no effect on our DEVELOPING country, Malaysia.

We’ve been a HIT on foreign papers. P/S: BAD NEWS.

1. The New York Times

2. ABC News

3. Bloomberg


This article is the most embarrassing. Where the BERSIH 2.0 rally is being standardised with the rally at Egypt which had sacrificed bloods.

The writer also included about a Twitter message being sent to Najib Razak; "Beneath this YELLOW there is an idea, Mr Najib, and ideas are bulletproof,". What BERSIH has taught so far? INSOLENT dudes who never watch their words to whomever against them.

All of us know, our dad, the Prime Minister, Najib Razak is struggling to build up Malaysia’s economy with his New Economic Model, Economy Transformation Programme, etc but do you think all those foreign companies would agree to invest after seeing how Malaysia citizens protest against the government? THINK with brain not with heart (emotion).

Today, what I protest has become a reality. How embarrassing if we have to put this in the history of Malaysia.. Please.., don’t do anything like this anymore. My advice to all my beloved Malaysians. It has bring fragmentation between us. This is the day we have to admit how our rebel generation have used the wrong medium to show protest.


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